Friday, April 24, 2009

Devin has something to say

Today was a Jade day, so I didn't see the girls much. But, I fed Devin a small bottle and put her down, and she wouldn't settle. She was crying and complaining and I thought she might still be hungry since she doesn't always drink her full 2 bottles at Jades. I made another small one and took it up. When I opened the door she was on her knees looking so desperate and sad. I said "Niesta....." in a reassuring way, and she said, very clearly, "maaaamaaa....."

Devin's first word. This means a lot to me, since Morrison said Dada for MONTHS before she ever said mama, and "mattmatt" shortly followed for her.

Things that make a mama smile.....


  1. Happy deserve the "Mama".

  2. Today, only one day later, she said matt-matt. sigh. at least i was first.
